Monday 4 November 2013

Moroccan Hair Oil Dupes!

Moroccan Oil is a cult product in the beauty world but it can be a little pricey. As with all successful products, many other brands have created their own version of the product. Here are two of my favourite (less expensive) dupes of the infamous hair product. All of which contain Argan Oil which is the same as what Moroccan Oil contains.

First up is a very inexpensive option in the form of Hask Argan Oil. For €2.50 you can pick up this bad boy in Penneys. It is quite thick oil so you definitely only need a small amount. The best part about this product is that it really works! It may not be super expensive but that doesn't mean it doesn't work. I definitely notice it helps keep my ends healthy and makes my hair look more shiny.

The VO5 miracle concentrate oil is also a great product. It's lighter in consistency than the aforementioned product and is slightly more expensive. It is a great product though and if your hair is thinner, this is a better choice and it isn't thick so it won't weigh down hair. This again really works and definitely helps dry ends. My hair was very dead at the ends and this helped bring it back to looking much healthier.

Tips when applying hair oils:

1. Less is more! Don't over apply the product or it will just make it greasy and heavy.
2. Focus on the ends of your hair and never apply to the roots. Again, this will just make it greasy.
3. I recommend applying this after you wash your hair, when it's not soaking wet but still damp to achieve best results.
4. Apply as often as you need it- I apply it pretty much every time I wash my hair (at least when I remember to) but I have very thick hair so this doesn't tend to weigh down my hair.

Moroccan Oil / 25ml : €17.50 available here
Hask Argain Oil: €2.50 available from Penneys
VO5 Miracle Concentrate: €6.89 from Boots

Have you tried any of these oils? Let me know your opinions in the comments!

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  1. please check out my blog & follow if you like :)

  2. great post Stephaine, its good to know those penny's oils are worth thrying... you cant really qrgue with 2.50! the dove oil is also really good & nowhere near as expensive as the moroccan oil :)

  3. I have heard a lot of good things about the primark/pennys hair oil x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

  4. Thanks for the recommendation, it's a really great price!


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