Friday 20 December 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year....

Eeeeeeeeeep! Hello everybody, long time no see eh? My sincerest apologies for my absence (it's been almost a month- say whaaaat?). It's a pretty hectic time of the year, I've had exams and just general Christmas happenings...and to be honest, I just wasn't in that blogging mood. But not to fear as I'm back! I really feel like getting back into the swing of things and I'm feeling inspired so let's hope that means lots of great posts on the way.

My tree this year! 

This post is solely to talk about the greatest time of the year that is CHRISTMAS! Ornaments, trees, presents, glitter, lights and pure joy and happiness. Honestly, the mood and atmosphere that comes along with this season is my favourite part of the whole holiday. Gifts and decorations are great and lovely but really there is nothing like spending time with loved ones and wishing everybody and anybody a very Merry Christmas. 

I do have one gift guide up (with another one on the way) and I may post some more Christmas-themed posts cause I mean who doesn't love Christmas? I also really hope to hold a 250 followers giveaway soon to thank all you wonderful people for following little old me (as in following my blog not actually me!). So thank you all and hopefully I will be able to hold that giveaway very very soon.

Let me know all your Christmas plans, any gifts you've requested, any cool gifts you've bought for other people and what you're most excited about for this holiday season! I would honestly love to hear them.

Thank you all again for following this little slice of the web and for sticking with me when I haven't always been the best blogger in the world. Wishing you all the Merriest of Christmases and of course a very very Happy New Year! 

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