Monday 2 July 2012

7 Things for 7 Days: Update!

Hey Sweeties,

A little less than two weeks ago I posted my "7 Things for 7 Days" post which you can check out here. It was based on a similar post by SprinkleofGlitter. Today I am updating you all on how I got on with attempting to achieve each mini goal I set for myself. They were nothing life-changing but were a small step in the right direction!

My first goal was to read. Sounds easy, but with so much technology, it's difficult to make time for the simple things in life. I'm happy to say I have started a book and I hope to finish it this week. I also bought two new books for my holiday next week. I used to be such a book worm and I feel that part of me is being re-ignited. Thumbs up for this goal!
My second goal was to relax. I feel this was pretty easy to do just for the simple reason that school has ended for the Summer. I didn't have my planned Lush bath but who cares! I have an entire vacay to do plenty of relaxing on. 
My third goal was to be healthy! I haven't succeeded amazingly nor have I failed miserably. I'm making an effort to eat healthier, which I am doing. My water drinking has gone pretty well too. Nothing too drastic here, but some minor improvements! I'm not awfully unhealthy either but do enjoy a little treat now and again!
My fourth aim was to exercise. I started quite well with this as I am doing some ab crunches and leg lunges plus trying to go on a walk on the days where I'm just lazy-ing about. Again, nothing major but an improvement.
The fifth goal was to organise. I did get tidying and sorted out my entire wardrobe but my bedroom still needs a bit of tidying! 
Sixth was to blog. I have been making an effort at this, but this is never a chore for me! This blog is a place for me to have fun and write about what I love and hopefully others will enjoy it too. 
Last but not least was to do something nice. I try to be as nice of a person as I can at all times. Sure, it doesn't always happen because everyone can get a bit grumpy now and again but overall I'm usually an happy person! I've been going on walks with my little sister which is fun and I try and do jobs arounf the house without being asked plus I'm volunteering this entire week for something that I shall not name!

I think overall I did a pretty good job. I'm going to try and keep these goals and won't be setting any new ones for the time being. Let me know if you are getting involved in this little "challenge" in the comments. If you'd like more information and would like to get involved, check out Sprinkleofglitter's post here

'Hope you enjoyed and thank for reading!


Disclaimer: Image 1-
Image 2: Google Images

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