Thursday 9 May 2013

Fun Ways to Get Fit!

It's that time of year again. When everyone seems crazy about working out and dieting to get that bikini body. Because of this it may cause negative thoughts but there's no need for that. Whether you believe it or not, getting fit can actually be fun. You just have to go about it the right way (and incase you're worried-no crazy diets are involved!).

The key to having fun whilst getting fit is by doing something you enjoy. It may seem obvious but often we overlook this. Joining a spinning class because it seems like a tough workout isn't going to help you too much if you despise going because chances are you'll stop going after the first few sessions, or use every possible excuse not to go. If you do something you enjoy, you'll actually want to attend the class or session. 

Here are a few ideas of ways to get fit and have fun doing it. Running will not be included as the majority of people dislike it but if it's your thing then all the power to you! A lot of local gyms will have these classes available.

  • Zumba
Zumba is a fusion of Latin and International music dance class. You don't need to have any previous dance experience to take part. I have recently started Zumba and I love it! It's so much fun and I genuinely enjoy doing it. I would definitely recommend giving it a try if typical exercise classes aren't your thing. Check out to find a Zumba class near you.
  • Yoga
Yoga is a great way to tone up your body. I also started it this year and enjoyed it though found it boring at times as it's quite a slow exercise. It can be pretty tough so don't underestimate it! However, it is suited to all age ranges and exercise ability. Check out this website for more information on local yoga classes in Ireland.
  • Cycling
When I say cycling, I don't necessarily mean spinning classes in a gym. Also, no spandex shorts are involved here either! Cycling could mean having a cycle down to your local shop to pick up some bread or even just a nice cycle around your area on a sunny day.

  • Pilates
Pilates works by strengthening the core muscles of the body and improves support to your joints & spinal stability. Pilates exercises focus on strengthening the central core 'deep abdominal, pelvic floor and lower back muscles', which allows more balanced and controlled body movement.
  • Piloxing
Piloxing is a mixture of pilates and boxing and is the latest celebrity-loved Hollywood craze. It's great for muscle toning and is also fat burning. Sounds exciting, eh?
  • Aquafit

This is great for people who aren't crazy about doing lots of sweating in a busy gym. Instead, hit the pool and take part in some moderate exercise. Don't worry if you're not a swimmer- you can still take part.

I hope this has helped you realise there are so many other ways to get fit other than running or boring days at the gym. The most important thing is to find something that you love to do whether that be joining a sports team or even something crazy like roller-blading! There are so many options, it's up to you to look into them!

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